31.If an administration server running machine got crashed, how will you restart the server with same configuration on new machine?

32.How can you run Multiple Weblogic server instances in a same physical machine?

33.How will you create Domain Template? Explain briefly?

34.What are the default Weblogic provided Groups for security realm?

35.What are the default Weblogic provided Roles for security realm?

36.What is the default Weblogic provided domain template file name and location?
Wls.jar is the default domain template and the location is WL_HOME\common\templates\domains
37.What are the elements of the Administration console?

38.What are the Node elements of the Administration console or Domain Structure?

39.What are the Tool Bar elements in Weblogic?

40.How will you enable the Administration Console?
By default, the Administration Console is enabled. If you disable it, you can re-enable it using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). Start the Administration Server, then invoke WLST and use the following commands:
Using WLST to Re-enable the Console
The following attribute(s) have been changed on MBeans which require server re-start.MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=mydomain,Type=Domain Attributes changed :
Activation complete