211.How will you Configuring File Replication in WLS?

212.Explain about Cross-Cluster Replication in WLS?
WebLogic provides the ability to replicate HTTP sessions across two clusters in separate domains:

213.When can’t I use WebLogic Store-and-Forward?
You can’t use the WebLogic Store-and-Forward service in the following situations:

214..Explain about Embedded LDAP Server?

215.How will you create a Deployment Plan?

216..Explain the relationship between Transaction and Resource Managers?

217..What is a topic subscription?
A topic subscription can be thought of as an internal queue of messages waiting to be delivered to a particular subscriber. This internal queue accumulates copies of each message published to the topic after the subscription was created. Conversely, it does not accumulate messages that were sent before the subscription was created. Subscriptions are not sharable, only one subscriber may subscribe to a particular subscription at a time.
218.Explain about Trust and Identity in SSL?

219..How will you access SSL enabled applications?