Q17. What are Process Patterns?

Basically process patterns define a collection of best practices, techniques, methods for developing object-oriented software. A good reference site is by Scott Ambler. He also has two books on the topic plus a white paper on the subject you can download.

Q18. How and where did the concept of design patterns get started?

Work on patterns has been influenced by the works of Christopher Alexander who published on topics related to urban planning and building architecture in the late 1970s. The history of patterns for software design began in the late 1980s and reached an important milestone with the publishing of the first book fully dedicated to this subject by the "Gang of Four", Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides, Design Patterns – Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software). In conjunction, the emergence of object-oriented software development fostered the work on other topics related to design patterns such as application frameworks, analysis patterns, language idioms, and so on.

Q19. Where can I find good examples of the Prototype pattern?

The prototype pattern is actually quite simple to implement in Java. Recall that the idea of prototype is that you are passed an object and use that object as a template to create a new object. Because you might not know the implementation details of
the object, you cannot create a new instance of the object and copy all of its data. (Some of the data may not be accessible via methods). So you ask the object itself to give you a copy of itself. Java provides a simple interface named Cloneable that provides an implementation of the Prototype pattern. If you have an object that is Cloneable, you can call its clone() method to create a new instance of the object with the same values. The trick here is that you must override the clone() method to increase its visibility, and just call super.clone(). This is because the implementation of clone(), defined in java.lang.object, is protected.

For example:
public class CopyMe implements Cloneable {
public Object clone() {
return super.clone();
Note that Cloneable is an empty interface! It merely acts as a tag to state that you really want instance of the class to be cloned. If you don't implement Cloneable, the super.clone() implementation will throw a CloneNotSupportedException.
The Object implementation of clone() performs a shallow copy of the object in question. That is, it copies the values of the fields in the object, but not any actual objects that may be pointed to. In other words, the new object will point to the same objects the old object pointed to.

As an example of using the cloning:
CopyMe thing = new Copyme();
CopyMe anotherThing = (Copyme)thing.clone();

This example is pretty trivial, but the real power comes when you don't know what you're actually cloning. 

For example, suppose you define an interface that represents a customer:

public interface Customer extends Cloneable {
public Object clone(); // require making it public!
public String getName();
public void setName(String name);
You might have several different implementations of this interface, possibly storing data in a file, database, or using EJB Entity beans. If a shallow copy of the data is sufficient to represent a copy of the object, Java's clone() method works great.
You might have a method that needs to make a copy of the data to store it in a Hashtable, for example:

public void storeCustomer(Customer customer) {
Customer copy = (Customer)customer.clone();

Note that this method knows nothing about what type of customer we're getting. This
pattern will work for any actual type of Customer, no matter how the data is stored.

For example:
FileBasedCustomer c1 = new FileBasedCustomer(...);
RDBMSBasedCustomer c2 = new RDBMSBasedCustomer(...);
EJBBasedCustomer c3 = new EJBBasedCustomer(...);

Q20. What are Anti-Patterns?

There isn't really a "clean-cut" definition out there just yet, unlike Design Patterns.
Basically, as Design Patterns (and more particularly, Process Patterns) try to codify a
standard vocabulary for working solutions to problems that reappear frequently, Anti-Patterns represent an effort to define and classify reoccuring non-solutions, i.e., things that lots of projects do that fail to yield a solution, or actually prevent a project from working or being finished. The most basic example I can think of is "The Hammer", inspired by the old addage, "If your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" (or the variation, "If your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like your left thumb." Hammer describes a regular, reoccuring problem in inexperienced engineers (particularly those who've only used one language for the bulk of their carreer so far), that of trying to force-feed all problems into
the solutions they already know.
http://www.antipatterns.com/ has more information.